Locke St Community Fridge Food Drive

We are collecting food donations for the Locke St Community Fridge up until Saturday April 1st. Non perishable items can be dropped off at any point in time, and fridge or freezer items can be brought in on April 1st.

Suggested items are: canned goods, peanut butter, jam, rice, pasta, flour, bread and other pantry goods; individually wrapped snack items; baby food, diapers, wipes, etc.; personal hygiene items such as soap, shampoo, tooth paste and brushes, feminine products. Fridge and freezer items such as milk, eggs, butter, fruit, veggies, individual frozen meals, frozen fruit and veggies.

There are many families in our immediate community who are struggling to make ends meet due to the increase in food prices. Please give where you are able and help out our community.